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Representing the spatial location of coral reef monitoring sites provides useful context for their relationship to other geographic features (e.g. offshore islands, rivers, lagoons). The inclusion of information of spatial trends in coral reef attributes (e.g. percent cover, fish abundance) can also assist in identifying trends with potential environmental or anthropogenic drivers.

This wiki page provides examples of using “on-the-fly” data summaries and ggplot() to represent spatial attributes of coral reef monitoring data.

Approaches for spatial representation

Visualising time series data spatially can be challenging. This is largely due to the representation of site locations on a map is essentially two-dimensional. In order to depict changes through time (as a third or fourth dimension), data summaries, indices of change, and the use of size and colour become important elements for visualising monitoring data spatially.

One benefit of having our data_intermediate objects in a standardised, formatted and “long” format means that data summaries and filtering are relatively straight forward in R.

For example, using the regional WIO benthic data we can set the Country, benthic_code, Station and Years of interest for restricting the summary data. By summarising the percent cover or change during a set number years can be used to represent patterns over a given time period:

  # set years of interest
    years_of_interest <-
      seq(from = 2014,
          to   = 2019)

Or alternatively, numerous time periods can be created to facet_grid() for visualising spatial changes through time.

The use of colour can also provide ways to visualise different coral reef ecosystem elements (e.g. Hard Coral and Macroalgae). Here we focus on the Comoros Archipelago as an example of summarising data, filtering and zooming on a particular area of interest:

  # get bounds
    country_limits <-
      wio_regional_benthic_data %>%
        dplyr::filter(Latitude < 0) %>%
        group_by(Country) %>%
        summarise(lim_n = Latitude  %>% max(na.rm = TRUE),
                  lim_e = Longitude %>% min(na.rm = TRUE),
                  lim_w = Longitude %>% max(na.rm = TRUE),
                  lim_s = Latitude  %>% min(na.rm = TRUE))

  # set country of interest
    country_of_interest <-

  # set plot limits
    plot_bounds <-
      country_limits %>%
        dplyr::filter(Country %in% country_of_interest)

  # set taxa of interest
    taxa_of_interest <-

  # summarise over transects and dates
    wio_regional_benthic_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(Year %in% years_of_interest) %>%
               Longitude) %>%
      summarise(percent_cover = percent_cover %>% mean(na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(Country %in% country_of_interest) %>%
      dplyr::filter(benthic_code %in% taxa_of_interest) %>%
    ggplot() +
      geom_sf(fill   = "grey75",
              colour = "grey75",
              size   = 0.1,
              data   = wio_coastline %>%
                         dplyr::select(id)) +
      geom_point(aes(x      = Longitude,
                     y      = Latitude,
                     colour = benthic_code,
                     size   = percent_cover),
                 alpha = 0.7) +
      theme_nothing() +
      coord_sf(xlim  = c(plot_bounds$lim_w, plot_bounds$lim_e),
               ylim  = c(plot_bounds$lim_n, plot_bounds$lim_s),
               datum = 4326) +
      scale_colour_manual(values = c_palette) +
      theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0))

Which looks something like this:

Note that this figure uses the aesthetics to illustrate the relative percent cover and benthic_code (i.e. “HC”: Hard Coral and “ATRF”: Algal Turf), showing that sites on the northwestern island have a greater percent cover of Algal turf.

Further control of the visualisation of the different benthic_codes can be accomplished using a lower alpha value or position = "jitter".