Introduction to Module

Now that we have some skills for importing data, formatting and standardising, we now want to visualise basic status & trends from our coral reef monitoring efforts. This will include making aggregations and summaries of data (e.g. from replicate quadrats or transects).

Data visualisation and mastering the grammar of graphics of ggplot could be a course in itself. Our approach for this module is to provide a few common techniques commonly used for the visualisation of status & trends of coral reef monitoring data that course participants can readily use.

We will provide examples from commonly used data types from percent cover quadrats and fish transects.

Skills gained in this module are aimed to prepare us for the next module for Mapping & Spatial representation.

Please watch this short video for further background and expectations for this module:

Next steps

We will start by using our data skills to create data aggregations and summaries for creating visualisations on-the-fly!